[featured_image align=»» size=»theme-large» url=»» new_window=»no» open_full_version=»»] [row] [two_thirds]SantaCash[/two_thirds] [one_third]

Do you want more sales volume?

More happy customers?

And do it all before 2014 ?

You are in the right place, and as so little time left — you have the right motivation.

This material would be useful not only for the companies who struggle in the market, but also to those who want to test new offer. Typical situation is when the company has corporate website and some traffic on it from the context advertisement. And this whole system doesn’t work or have very small effect.

Let’s try different approach.

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First you got to have this new offer. (thank you, Cap)

[row] [two_thirds]Of course you can have old one rebranded, but you really better use a new one. I think in markets with the growing competition, one of the key points to survive – Is really client oriented service. So for one moment stop thinking about profits (I know this article about getting more profit, but still). And ask yourself this question: What gift I can give my customers from the heart? What gift they will remember?

And 5% discount is not a gift they will remember, you have to think harder. [/two_thirds] [one_third]For result oriented people I’ll explain: It makes the customer remember your company, and the better the gift the more it stimulate referrals. Everybody wanted to share stories of the presents they got. Your task is to be one of these stories.[/one_third] [/row]


[row] [three_fourths]Answering these questions will give you idea and the concept of these little New Year’s advertising campaign. Next thing — you have to make your offer clear to the potential customers mind. Don’t test this on your friends who is not going to buy anything from you, Test it on your potential customers — you can give them discount for feedback. After this little testing you’ll get the idea how are your potential customers like your offer and what you should improve.

Testing is the key to effective improvements

[/three_fourths] [one_fourth][chart percent=»75″ align=»center» size=»150″ line_width=»10″ rounded=»no» animation_time=»2″ icon=»icon-chart-pie» track_color=»#ccc» bar_color=»#ff0000″ text_size=»30″] 75%[/chart][/one_fourth] [/row]


[quote color=»» boxed=»yes»]If I had only one hour to save the world, I would spend fifty-five minutes defining the problem, and only five minutes finding the solution.[author]Albert Einstein[/author][/quote]


[row] [one_third]happy customer[/one_third] [two_thirds]

Do you know what’s a good text on the website?

It’s a text, after reading which, your customer picks up the phone, calls your number, and says «I want to buy this». Text information containing your offer should have the same effect, Or at least to have to do your best to make it so.

At this point you should understand: the right target is to make an offer client would buy you right away, be happy about it, and tell his friends about it. After we set this target, we can start writing the offer.

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Right text structure keep interest — and lead the customer to desired action

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  • Your tested good offer is the headlineMake sure that headline makes people want to read more.! Next line should explain why you making such a good offer, For example because we will have the better offers in the next year.
  • Then You should get more attention from the reader — Explain the problem in details. The problem that your product or service solves. Next thing after problem – why you are the better solution? You should really explain why the client should go to you and not to the competition. What benefits can you offer? What are your strong points? All that should also be clear to the client. And again testing,testing and testing.
  • These points Some would recommend to work on the things that might stop from buying. In the situation you should not do it — It’s better to keep a New Year’s spirit. The happy spirit of the great holiday. Don’t mention reasons to stop, only for buy. It’s a present — so make your customers think of it as a present.
  • Add some inspiring pictures. But not kittens, whey shoud be related to your product/service or your offer. Like you see on this page. Admit, Santa with cash got your attention.
  • And of course Offer always should end with a call to action: call us now, visit our website for more details, visit our office.


These were the points of creating good New Year’s offer. What next we should do with it?

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You put it on any local high-traffic website you can find: Boards, forums, eBay. As a result a lot of people see your offer and Get involved. And as they call you, don’t forget to gather feedback about your offer. This way you’ll know what to improve in the next one.

[mark color=»»]Warning! The only way it will work — is if you really do it.[/mark] There is a lot of information today, but not much of it has been put into action.

More sales before the new year, happy clients, clients that came from the referrals of happy clients — Can it be enough? For some of us yes, But for some of us not. If you want more sales volume – you can develop an upsell product for this New Year’s offer. But it’s a whole different story, That will till in the next articles.

In this article we described an interesting method of attracting new clients that most of the companies don’t use. Of course it’s a lot of work to do, but you can always give it to your employees. Another solution is to give it to us. We can develop all that for you for a reasonable price. Call us or find us in social networks.
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We wish you good sales and a happy New Year!




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